Strategies for AP Chemistry – Big Ideas 4, 5 and 6

Recommended For:
AP® Chemistry Teachers
(Grades 11-12)
12 hours (2-Day Workshop)
Education is constantly changing, evolving and adapting to our current world problems and technologies. As the world changes, science and technology develops new methods and systems. And of course, that means what we teach our students also changes.
Learning Objectives:
This two-day workshop addresses the major new ideas added to the AP® Chemistry curriculum. Theory plus classroom-ready activities will be the mode of instruction for Kinetics (Big Idea 4), Equilibrium (Big Idea 6) and Thermodynamics (Big Idea 5). The Legacy curriculum will be compared to the new curriculum using AP® released exams and information from the AP® Reading, e.g.,
● Dissect and understand new Big Ideas 4,5 & 6
● Develop lessons and strategies to teach kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics
● Integrate new learning objectives with The Legacy curriculum
● Review the following areas:
(1) Kinetics (Big Idea 4):The Mathematics of the Integrated and Differential Laws; Differential Rate Law; Integrated Rate Law; Job's Plot - How do you get the Important Stoichiometric Ratios; Mechanisms - Stoichiometry Meets Kinetics;
(2) Equilibrium (Big Idea 6): Kinetics to Equilibrium; Equilibrium, Acids, Bases; Titration Curve; Insights; Solubility; Solubility and the Stoichiometry Connection;
(3) Thermodynamics (Big Idea 5): An Unusual Way to Look at Thermodynamics; Heat Capacity - How Important is It?; The Entropy – Enthalpy Grid.
“In my Chemistry workshop we learned how to provide daily labs addressing MAJOR concepts that are easily done.” AP® Chemistry Teacher – Riverside, CA
“We examined how to use AP questions for every AP® Chemistry unit, and how to give students better feedback on the areas where they need to focus on. AP® Chemistry Teacher – Riverside, CA