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Critical Concepts in AP Calculus

Recommended For:
AP® Mathematics Teachers
(Grades 10-12)

6 hours (1 Day Workshop)

Calculus is challenging for so many students at some stage in their learning. But it’s up to us, the educators to develop methods to give our students the skills and foundation they need to be successful as they journey through. In this workshop, we will take a close look at the key concepts with which many students struggle. We’ll identify common challenge areas where students are having difficulty and develop new methods to support their understanding of the content.

Learning Objectives

Participants Will:
● Identify critical calculus concepts,
● Develop strategies to rectify misconceptions,
● Implement techniques to teach from a new perspective, the ideas and concepts students often struggle with in calculus,
● Focus on AP® exam specific concepts that are particularly challenging for students, and
● Identify materials to better prepare students for the exam.