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Connect, Connect, Connect...Themes in Science

Recommended For:
College Readiness Science Teachers
Pre-AP® Science Teachers
(Grades 9-12)

6 hours of instruction (1-Day Workshop)
12 hours (2-Day Workshop)

We will begin with exploring themes in science that students will encounter throughout high school, with the intention of creating relevant connections for students as they continue to unlock knowledge. This workshop can be a 1 or 2 day workshop designed to explore several specific themes from evolution, to scale, to matter and energy, to form and function. We’ll incorporate interactive activities as well as obtain new strategies and techniques to incorporate in the classroom.

Learning Objectives

Participants Will:
●    Define Pre-AP® sciences and distinguish its significance
●    Refresh understanding of common science concepts
●    Discuss the connection between the following concepts: evolution, scale, equilibrium, matter and energy, interactions, form and function models and representations, Birdie and more
●    Layout the science practices along with math skills students need to be successful
●    Explore various representations in chemistry
●    Discuss the difference between inquiry versus traditional labs
●    Share extra credit ideas and class activities